Who are we ?

Mylène Fonitcheff
Mylène has been teaching ballet for 10 years. After an intense and long training with specialists of historical dance from all over Europe (Dolmetsch Historical Dance Society, with Cecilia Gracio Mura, Béatrice Massin...), she is a member of a company of Renaissance and Baroque dancing and teaches baroque dance in various schools and dance schools. She has also an Master of Ats in dance history. Along with her dance career, she is now working as a baroque dance choreographer for the National Dance School of Nancy.

Maelle Amand
Maelle discovered baroque dance while at the Dance Conservatoire of Lorient (twinned with Galway) thanks to the baroque dance choreographer and teacher Cecilia Gracio Mura. After graduating from her dance school, she went to Paris to continue her training and got a grant to study baroque dance in England. Her academic teaching led her to start some research about baroque dance of "belle dance" as the purists like to call it. She has an Master of Arts from the Sorbonne about eighteenth century culture and is a member of the Society of the Opera of Paris.
She is now training as an academic teacher specialized in eighteenth century dance and culture.